Born in Lugano (CH) in 2002, Lena grew up between Lugano, Bern and Lausanne.
She entered at ECAL (Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne) in 2020, where she completed a foundation year followed by a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design.
Her focus is on creating objects that truly meet the needs of their users. Her practice often revolves around three key themes: relationship to the body, inclusivity and a sense of fun or playfulness. Collaboration plays a central role in her work, as she heavily relies on input from users and experts throughout the design process.
In 2023 she had the opportunity to exhibit her project Wormbags at the MUDAC as part of the Tu es Canon - Manifeste de la mode inclusive conference.
Between 2023 and 2024, the designer started a research on feminist issues within object design, which resulted in her mémoire entitled Are objects sexist? Personal protective equipment and in her diploma project WWW (Women Work Wear), work pants designed by & for women. 
In 2024 she obtained her Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design with first class honours. She also won the Tremplin ECAL prize supported by the Leenaards Foundation 2024. 
In 2025, she will take part in the Pro Helvetia Starting Power Programme with Wormbags and will exhibit WWW at the House of Switzerland during Milan Design Week.